For Immediate Release
Thursday, March 14, 2019
David Weyrens and Tom Hallett have won a verdict of damages in excess of $2.1 million dollars on behalf of Vladek Filler, a former Maine resident who was the subject of an eight-year-long malicious prosecution conspiracy in Hancock County. This extraordinary case centered upon the actions of a prosecutor for the Hancock County District Attorney's Office who is believed to be the first prosecutor in Maine to be sanctioned by the Maine Board of Bar Overseers for misconduct during a criminal prosecution.
Mr. Filler was prosecuted for a raft of serious felony crimes, including the most serious, Class A, charges available in Maine. Only after the passage of eight long years, and through Mr. Filler and his defense lawyers' dogged and courageous efforts, was he completely exonerated of all criminal charges.
The U.S. District Court for Maine awarded Mr. Filler $2,144,354 as damages against a woman who played a pivotal role in the malicious prosecution before reducing that amount to $1,769, 354 to account for settlements already achieved against some of the co-defendants.
Hallett Whipple Weyrens congratulates Mr. Filler for this result! For more information David Weyrens can be reached at (207) 775-4255.
The Court's Order and Judgment is attached:
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