Defending Visitors Against Criminal Charges
Maine is a popular spot for tourists from around New England, the tri-state New York area and Canada. Unfortunately, a nice getaway can be marred by criminal allegations. At Hallett Whipple Weyrens our Portland criminal defense lawyers have extensive experience representing out-of-state visitors. You can rely on us to protect your rights and do everything that we can to minimize the consequences of your criminal charge.
Were you charged with a crime while on vacation in Maine? We can help. Contact our Maine defense attorneys online or call 207-775-4255 to schedule an initial consultation to discuss your case.
For up-to-date news and case results from Hallett Whipple Weyrens visit our blog.
We Handle a Variety of Criminal Charges
Most visitors to Maine who are charged with criminal activity find themselves accused of misdemeanor crimes. Our Cumberland County and York County lawyers are experienced handling all types of criminal charges, including:
- OUI/drunk driving
- Assault and battery
- Domestic violence
- Drug crimes
- Alcohol-related crimes
- Traffic violations
- Shoplifting/petty theft
For current information and news about Hallett Whipple Weyrens please visit our blog.
You May Not Have to Appear in Court
When you have been charged with a crime while on vacation, your main concern may be having to make a court appearance at some point in the future. For certain misdemeanor charges, you may not have to make an appearance at all. Our attorneys are fully capable of representing your interests on your behalf. Of course, some cases may require a personal appearance. We will let you know what to expect well in advance so you are not caught by surprise.
Call for a Consultation With a Cumberland County and York County Criminal Defense Lawyer
We understand that everyone makes mistakes and has lapses in judgment, even while on vacation. We are dedicated to protecting your rights regardless of where it is you call home. Contact our Portland criminal defense attorneys online or call 207-775-4255 for an initial consultation.